Sonia Borrell and Art in Real Time
Sonia Borrell is a collector, author and mentor. In this episode of The Curator’s Salon podcast she talks about writing her book Art in Real Time, and her journey to building a contemporary art collection.
Show Your Art - How to build an Art Career without a Gallery
Show Your Art, How to build an art career without a gallery. This is the new book by curator and podcaster Gita Joshi of The Curator’s Salon.
Art Seen Issue 10: Winter 2023
Art Seen Issue 10 : Winter 2023 features visual artists from around the world, working in painting, printmaking, installation and more.
The publication includes artists features, interviews, and studio visits.
Unleashing AI Tools for Artpreneurs’ Success
An eBook to support your art business with AI.
Art Seen, Issue 6, Winter 2022
Art Seen is the quarterly publication from The Curator’s Salon. Issue 6 is published for Winter 2022 and is now available in print and digital formats.
Susie Pearl - The Art of Creativity
Susie Pearl talk about her new book, The Art of Creativity. In this episode we also discuss her career through PR, Music and mind tech. Susie is also the author of Instructions for Happiness and Success.
Recommended Reading List
Recommended reading list for artists from The Curator’s Salon. Subjects including curating, how to be an artist, creative blocks and marketing yourself.